Haiii readers! :) My days has been great this last few days. Faisal has been there like 24/7 to company me till late night. Yesterday was our monthsary, 1year and 8months. It has been always great with faisal. We celebrate our monthsary pretty cool cos we went to this Regina Ballerina first concert where Iman and Dhoe dancing. Some kind of hiphop ballet. They did great lastnight. Hahaha. The funny part was Faisal fell asleep while me watching cutie kids doing ballet. They were soooo cutee. I feel like dancing with them :) Dream on yann. haha. After concert we filled our empty tummies at JP foodcourt. Ahh i fat waaa. Gheez. Iman called, "Yan where are you?" haha. Si iman th banar. So yea we met. She has this paint on her face and Faisal called her uhh Harimau. haha. He's so mean. The times flew so fast. So we decided to go somewhere in Gaydong. Then we went to Empire instead. Cos yeahh theres no where to go. Brunei kali ah hehe. No offence. lol. We took lotsa pictures but yeahh as usual Faisal hate flashes. haha. I'll upload pictures when i feels like it yea?
Our dance. Dance with me tonight and never let me go. When you look me in the eyes. Love this song to bits! and youknow what? We decided to sing this song together. hmm. :) antam kau yan. hahaha. I love you Faisal. Apparently, faisal here now with me but hes asleep. Nyeh. Lovee youu handsome.
Happy 1year and 8months baby!
i love you baby
Forever and alwyas
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